Assignment 3.1: Peer Review of Writing with Attitude

To: Anusha Saleem
From: Amol Chahal
Date: November 23rd, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Writing with Attitude

Hello Anusha,

Thank you for submitting your email memo to Evan Crisp. It is well-organized and concise. You have well-formed headings and explanations for each point that you are trying to get across, which makes it very easy to read and comprehend. I also like how you have an introduction and concluding remarks providing context and further support.

Some specific points that I think you can potentially consider adding to your memo, relating to Evan’s email, include advising against the use of slangs like ‘ttfn’ and proper signing off the name. I tried to specifically point those out for Evan as I noticed them to be extremely inappropriate. You may consider adding specific examples from the body of the email to address certain concerns to best help Evan.

If you have any questions/concerns, please let me know.

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