Assignment 3.1 – Peer Review of “You” Attitude Memo

To: Ashley Yuan, English 301 Student Writer
From: Jen Deluz, English 301 Student Reviewer
Date: November 23, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of “You” Attitude Memo 

Thank you for writing a memo to Evan Crisp, detailing best practices for writing professional emails to professors. The memo is concise and well organized. Please kindly find suggestions for improvements below.


First Impressions

This is a well-formed memo, demonstrating the “You” attitude excellently. The flow is logical and easy to follow with the memo’s three distinct parts, comprising the introduction, list of best practices, and conclusion.


Best Practices

All relevant “You” attitude principles and techniques are diligently listed. The best practices are conveyed as advice for the recipient’s benefit rather than a command. One minor suggestion:

  • Remaining consistent by utilizing either professor or professors within the list can improve the flow (e.g. “Focusing on the professors’ benefit …” or “… gratitude towards the professor when …”)



It is a good choice including a headline as an introduction into the best practices. One minor suggestion:

  • Reordering the list of best practices into a chronological order from top to bottom of the email can improve the flow


Grammar and Technical Errors

The memo is written diligently with neither grammar nor technical errors.


Concluding Comments

Overall, the “You” Attitude memo is outstanding. Below is a brief summary of two minor suggestions:

  • Remaining consistent by utilizing either professors or professors within the list of best practices
  • Reordering the list of best practices into a chronological order

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further clarification.


Ashley Yuan’s “You” Attitude Memo

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