Assignment 3.1: Writing with You Attitude Memo to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crisp, UBC student

From: Amol Chahal, ENGL 301 student

Date: 23rd November 2020

Subject: Best practices for writing an email to a professor

Thank you for reaching out to seek advice regarding the communication process with the ENGL course professor. I have highlighted below a few key points that can increase your chances of receiving a reply from your professor.

  • Subject heading: having a proper subject heading is crucial to ensure that the reader is aware of what the topic of the email is about. It is recommended to keep the subject short and to the point.
  • Using professional greeting: it is recommended to use a formal or semi-formal greeting, such as “Hello” or “Dear”. The use of ‘hey’ should be avoided.
  • Grammar: using proper grammar helps your reader understand your ideas and thoughts clearly. Therefore, it is always recommended to use professional grammar.
  • Body: the body of the email should clearly organize and state your ideas. The question that is being asked should be clearly stated, as succinctly as possible.
  • Closing: the use of slang such as ‘ttfn’ should be avoided. A professional closing remark such as “Regards” or “Sincerely” is highly recommended. In this specific scenario, since you are asking for a request, you should absolutely avoid slang language.
    • The full name should be properly signed off. You should not use lower case initials.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.

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