Peer Review of Memo to Evan Crisp

To: Enguang Shi, Team Member
From: Shuge Luo, your team Member
Date: November 23, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Memo to Enguang Shi

First Impressions
The memorandum was constructed clearly and written concisely. The tips offered details help Evan to communicate with the professor more effectively. The way of providing tips is friendly, avoiding using negative expressions and pronoun “you” in the body.

The introduction friendly mentioned the intention of the memo with a short introduction of the principle of You attitude.

Avoiding using “you” in the body of mome make is more professional and easy to accept. While the memo followed the core principle of You attitude, the tips could be structured in the order of how an email would be written. For example, “Starting the email message with “Dear Professor xx,” that label us as professional and polite” can be the first recommendation and the suggestions could end with “Expressing the appreciation for the professor”.

The memorandum followed the suggestion from the reading material and structure everything nicely. The order of tips could be more organized. If you have any questions regarding the feedback provided, please contact me by email at

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