Complaint and Bad News Letter

Complaint Letter

November 27, 2020

AeroMexico North America Office
312 Federal Cir,
Jamaica, NY
11430 USA

Re: Refund for cancelled flight

To whom it may concern,

I have been a loyal customer with AeroMexico for years. As a Guatemalan-Canadian, I regularly fly from Vancouver to Guatemala every year or two, choosing to fly with AeroMexico more often than not. I have always been happy with AeroMexico’s service and like to support Latin American businesses.

However, my recent experience with the company’s handling of the pandemic has been very disappointing.

I was meant to fly to Guatemala last April to visit my family, but my flight was cancelled due to the pandemic restrictions that were imposed at the time. I understand and support the flight cancellations and the company’s need to properly respond to the situation.

After the initial crisis ended, I repeatedly got in touch with your customer service representatives over phone and email to request a refund for the cancelled flights. Initially, I was told that if I emailed the customer support team, I could ask for a refund, but all they offered me is a travel voucher that expires within one year.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to use that voucher within the one year time frame, both because there will likely still be travel restrictions at that time, but also because my life situation has changed since April. I am now a student with no income and I am a new father of a son with a metabolic condition that will prevent us from travelling for the foreseeable future.

The travel voucher is of no use in my current situation and I expect to receive a full refund because the service I purchased was not fulfilled.

I understand this is not an easy time for the company and the airline industry in general, but it is also not a good time for me and my family. I hope you will consider offering a full refund to myself and other customers who request it.


Rodrigo Samayoa
Ticket number: AM 1234 5678November 29, 2020

Bad News Letter

Rodrigo Samayoa
775 Drake Crescent
Prince Rupert BC

Re: Refund for cancelled flight

Dear Mr. Samayoa,

First of all, I want to say how sorry I am for your trouble. The pandemic has been a hard time for everyone and we know that travel disruptions have affected many AeroMexico customers, both personally and financially.

The pandemic travel restrictions caused widespread disruption to our global operations and forced us to cancel thousands of flights. Since then, we have been doing our best to reschedule flights and compensate our customers.

Your original ticket, unfortunately, is non-refundable. This means that all we can offer at the moment is the travel voucher you received in March of this year.

If you are unable to use your travel voucher by March of next year, it is important that you get in touch with us to evaluate the possibility of extending the deadline.

These mass flight cancellations are a once-in-a-generation event, and we are trying to offer our customers flexible options.

I hope you find this information useful.



John Smith
North America Customer Relations

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