Complaint and Bad News Letters

Complaint Letter

November 27, 2020

Mr. Jon Snow
42 Wallaby Way
Sydney, New South Wales

Dear Mr. Snow:

I am a frequent patron of the Starbucks that you manage and have received years of excellent service. However, I recently had an experience that has tarnished my perception of your establishment. On the morning of November 26th, I visited your store to complete my usual coffee order. What I was not aware of was that your store had implemented a new mask mandate. As it so happened, I had forgotten my mask at home. Your staff at the cash register treated me very unfairly and did not allow me to make my order. Furthermore, I was asked to leave the store, which I found to be greatly humiliating. 

It is my belief that this entire ordeal could have been avoided had your new in-store mask mandate been better communicated. I saw no signs with any information regarding your new rule inside nor outside the store. I understand the importance of mask mandates, but stress the importance of communicating them prior to avoid situations like this.


Janet Smith, Customer

Bad News Adjustment Letter

November 27, 2020

Ms. Janet Smith
11 Hargrove St
Sydney, New South Wales

Dear Ms. Smith:

Thank you for your letter and your years of loyal patronage.

I apologise that you had a negative experience at our store at 42 Wallaby Way. As you are aware, the COVID 19 pandemic has necessitated many changes, including mask mandates at various establishments. Our store recently adopted a mask mandate on November 25th in response to the surge of cases in our locale. Our mandate, much like other stores nearby, requires that all patrons wear masks in our store. Individuals that do not adhere to this rule are to be denied service and asked to leave the premises. Our staff are responsible for enforcing this rule at all times.

I empathize with you regarding the apparent lack of communication regarding this new rule. We enacted it in response to recent municipal governmental orders requiring mask wearing in all indoor public establishments. I will take your advice and increase our signage to ensure a situation such as yours does not occur again. If such a case arises in which your mask is forgotten, we offer online orders that can be picked up outside the store doors during normal operating hours.

Once again, we value your patronage and hope to see you at our store once again. 


Jon Snow, Regional Manager


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