Jessica Lee | Assignment 3.1 Business Letters: Complaint & Bad News letter

Letter #1 – Complaint Letter

November 26th, 2020

Jessica Lee
No. 301, South Jinhui Road
Minhang District, Shanghai, China 200113

Taobao Customer Services Team
No 16, Pinghu Road,
Jianggan District, Hangzhou, China 212256

Dear Taobao Customer Service,

My name is Jessica Lee, a proud Taobao user since 2012. Taobao has always been my number one go-to shopping platform for all kinds of goods and I am extremely dependent on it for all kinds of goods. When the annual 11/11 shopping promotion was announced, I immediately bookmarked this beautiful faux fur jacket which I had laid my eyes on for a long time. To ensure a successful discounted purchase at 00:00 on November 11th, I placed a deposit for the jacket and contacted the customer service team, to which they confirmed and approved my waitlist on the jacket.

Yet, to my disbelief, the jacket was sold out at 00:02. I was two minutes late due to the website crashing from the amount of traffic on site, which to my understanding, shouldn’t be the reason why my reservation of the jacket has been given away to others. Not to mention how the customer service team has previously reassured me of my waitlist. As I explained this to the customer service, they simply dismissed me saying the jacket was “sold out” and that there’s “nothing they can do”, unwilling to return me my deposit either.

With that said, I am respectfully requesting that Taobao Customer Service fulfill my deposited-order which was previously confirmed within the coming week.

Thank you.

Jessica Lee


Letter #2 – Bad News Adjustment Letter

November 27th, 2020

Taobao Customer Services Team
No 16, Pinghu Road,
Jianggan District, Hangzhou, China 212256

Jessica Lee
No. 301, South Jinhui Road
Minhang District, Shanghai, China 200113

Dear Ms.Lee,

Thank you for being a dedicated and loyal customer of Taobao. I appreciate your patience during this promotional season and would like to offer you my most sincere apologies with the confusion regarding the faux fur order. I certainly understand the disappointment this confusion might have caused.

I have taken a look at the deposited-order and regret to inform you that the originally reserved faux fur jacket has been indeed sold out due to the system lag that was encountered midnight of November 11th. At Taobao, we value greatly each and every one of our customer’s shopping experience and with that being said, I would like to offer a full refund for the already-paid deposit as well as gift you a two hundred RMB coupon which you can use site-wide.

I realize this coupon cannot fully make up for the faux fur jacket that you wanted but I sincerely hope it can act as a goodwill gesture from us the Taobao team and to soothe out any of the inconvenience you have experienced.

I hope this helps and please do not hesitate in contacting us at should you have any further questions or concerns at any time.

Kind Regards,

George Wong

Taobao Customer Services Team

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