Month: November 2020

MEMO – Writing with You Attitude

MEMO   To: Evan Crisp From: Mitchell Prost Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: Best practices in writing an email to a professor   Hi Evan, In this memo, see a list of ways to improve emails written to professors regarding

Assignment 3-1 – Writing with You Attitude Memo to Evan Crisp

MEMORANDUM To: Evan Crisp From: Hilton Ma Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: Best Practices in Writing an Email to the Professor   To help improve your chances of receiving a response from the professor, you can implement a series of

Assignment 3:1 Writing with You-Attitude Memo to Evan Crisp

Memorandum To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student From: Claire Eccles, Engl 301 Student Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: Best Practices for Writing Emails to Professors Concerning Class Enrolment   Thank you for reaching out for advice on your email for a

Assignment 3.1: Memorandum to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crisp, UBC student From: Syed Ahmed, ENGL 301 student Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: Writing to your professor. I appreciate you reaching out to the ENGL301 class for advice on the matter of an unreturned email to your

You Attitude Assignment

To: Evan Crips From: Shujun Peng Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: How to write better emails to professors asking for assistance Here’s the memo you requested on writing email messages to your instructor. Please see the following suggestions, they may

Assignment 3.1: Memo to Evan Crisp Demonstrating ‘You Attitude’

To: Evan Crisp, UBC Undergraduate Student From: Eugenia Fasciani, ENGL 301A Student Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: Writing an Email to a Professor Thank you for reaching out the ENGL 301A class for writing advice. Listed below are some suggestions

Writing with You Attitude

MEMORANDUM To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student From: Annie Maurer, ENGL 301 Student Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: Writing Effective E-mail Messages to Professors Introduction: The principles listed below help with writing effective e-mail messages to university professors. These principles can

Memo- Writing With You Attitude

To: Evan Crisp  From: Evan Ruiz, Student- ENGL 301 Subject: Emailing your Professor  Date: November 20, 2020 Dear Evan,  Thank you for reaching out to me. Happy Friday! I’ve been in a similar position recently, and I’ve attached some tips

Writing with attitude memo

Memorandum To: Evan Crisp From: Rodrigo Samayoa, Student – ENGL301 November 11, 2020 Subject: Writing with you-attitude Dear Evan,  Thank you for coming to me for advice on how to solicit a response from your professor. This letter is a

Assignment 3.1: Memo to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student From: Aleem Tariq, ENGL301 Student Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: RE: Best practices for writing emails to professors MEMORANDUM Thank you for reaching out for advice. I reviewed your email, and have several tips listed


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