Month: November 2020

Nicholas Jang | Assignment 3.1 – Writing with You-Attitude Email Memorandum

Memorandum To: Evan Crisp From: Nicholas Jang Date: November 19th, 2020 Subject: Advice on Best Practices for Writing E-mails to Professors Regarding Course Registration   Hi Evan, In regards to your previous email inquiring about strategies you can employ when

Assignment 3.1 – “You” Attitude Memo

MEMORANDUM To: Evan Crisp, Student at UBC From: Ashley Yuan, Member of JJAM writing team Subject: Best Practices in Writing a Professional Email Here is a memo detailing some tips on writing an email to professors using the “You” attitude.

Phoebe Wu | Assignment 3:1 – Writing with You-Attitude Email Memorandum

Memorandum To:             Evan Crisp From:         Phoebe Wu Date:          November 20th, 2020 Subject:      Advice on Best Practices for Writing E-mails to Professors   Hello Evan, Regarding the email you recently asked for advice on, here is a memo on writing emails

You Attitude

Four essential rules for writing with YOU attitude 1. Avoid starting your memos or letters or peer reviews with “I” or “We.” Incorrect: “I have reviewed your Progress report and I think that you need to ….. Correct: Thank you for

Assignment 3.1: Email Memo to Evan Crisp Demonstrating You-Attitude

MEMORANDUM To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student From: Roxanne Robles, UBC ENGL301 Student Date: November 17, 2020 Subject: Best Practices For Writing an Email to Professor for Seeking Admittance to a Full Course As requested, I have reviewed your email to

 An Example of an excellent Progress Report Memo:

MEMORANDUM To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC From:  Excellent Student, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC/   ES Date:  November 2020 Subject: 301 Formal Report Progress: Pedestrian Crossing Safety As requested, here is my Progress Report, “Improving pedestrian

Assignment 2: 3 Memo to Instructor regarding progress in Formal Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor From: Enguang Shi, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: November 14, 2020 Subject: Progress Report on Formal Report As requested, this is a formal report summary regarding promoting EVCARD’s electric vehicle rental service

Assignment 2:3 Formal Report Progress Report Memo

Memorandum To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Professor From: Claire Eccles, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: November 14, 2020 As per the Lesson 2:3 assignment, here is my progress report for implementing a female varsity baseball program at UBC.

ENGL 301 99A Assignment 3:1 Memo to Evan Crisp

MEMORANDUM To: Evan Crisp, UBC student From: Erin Mungham, ENGL 301 student Date: November 14, 2020 Subject: Best Practices in Writing an E-mail to a Professor Seeking to be Added to a Full Course Here is some advice on writing

Assignment 2-3 – Progress Report Memorandum

Memorandum To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Hilton Ma Date: November 13th, 2020 As per the ENGL 301 assignment guidelines, this is my progress report for the previously proposed formal report on licensing a 3D anatomy atlas software for UBC Okanagan


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