Nicholas Jang | Assignment 3.3 Peer Review of Jessica Lee’s Formal Report Draft

To: Jessica Lee, ENGL 301 student

From: Nicholas Jang, ENGL 301 student

Date: December 4, 2020

Subject: Peer review of Jessica Lee’s Assignment 3:2 Formal Report 

Hi Jessica,

Thank you for submitting assignment 3:2 for review. The assignment was a formal report outlining a strategy Urban Outfitters could employ to excel in the Chinese market. Please see my suggestions below for improvement.


  • Information was insightful and well thought out
  • I found the data section the most informative section
  • I would recommend the “possible solution” section revision as it could benefit from additional content
  • The technical terms such as USP are well defined 
  • Meets the criteria specified in the assignment
  • The report is logically laid out with the problems and solutions identified and discussed in a methodical process


  • The organization of the draft is clear and effective throughout the entire report
  • Headings and Sub-headings are used strategically
  • Paragraphs are not overly long and remain a manageable size for the reader
  • The report shows signs that links all parts of the report together


  • The report uses an objective tone that focuses on the positive 
  • The writer implemented the techniques explored in assignment 3-1 


  • There are no grammatical errors
  • The report is well laid out and meets the design requirements of the report guidelines

Concluding Comments:

  • This paper was well written and shows a strong grasp of formal report writing
  • The report is missing one visual as the formal report guidelines state a minimum of three visuals should be incorporated in the report

Please feel free to let me know should you have any questions.


Jessica Lee Formal Report Draft

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