Assignment 3.3 – Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

To: Mitchell Prost (ENGL 301- Fourth Pair of Eyes)
From: Evan Ruiz (ENGL 301- Fourth Pair of Eyes)
Date: December 7, 2020 
Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft 

Hi Mitchell, 

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I just read your first “Formal Report Draft”, and it’s clear that you’ve put a lot of thought into developing your idea. Great job! The following are some suggestions and comments to help improve your next draft and, ultimately, your final “Formal Report.” 

First Impression

Your report is well thought out, well formatted, and easy to follow. It’s clear that you’ve put a lot of time into the construction of your idea. However, I do feel as though some sections were lacking the “substance” needed to fully grasp. I look forward to reviewing your sections that are still in progress. 

Table Contents 

You did a wonderful job formatting your table of contents. More specifically, your spacing is even, your topics are to the point, and you used “bolding” effectively; bolding the numbers that corresponded to the overall theme of a section. It’s clear however, that you have a lot of your formal draft left to write. As the table of contents might get quite long, is there any way that you could condense sections?


Your introduction is informative, in that, it provides clarity into the Residence Hall Association, the problems associated with it, and your proposed solution. Your use of bullet points and graphics makes it easy to comprehend, organized, and enjoyable to read!

Layout/ Content

As I mentioned, it’s clear that there was a lot of thought that went into the construction of your report. However, you are still working on the “bulk” of your report and, therefore, I will focus on the layout for the body of your report. Currently, your report is layed out with a lot of “introductions.” Are there any sections that you are able to cut in order to go more in-depth on any given section? 

Summary of Recommendations

Clear to understand, nice flow, and well structured. I have no suggestions for your proposed recommendations. Great job!


When writing long papers, run-on sentences can become common, however, you did a great job of keeping your sentences short and concise. Your spelling was accurate, and your punctuation was good. With that being said, I did not notice any blatant spelling or grammar errors. Great job!

All in all, you did a great job with your formal report draft and I look forward to seeing how it progresses. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me

Warm regards,

Evan Ruiz


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