Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

To: Enguang Shi, team member.
From: Shuge Luo
Date: 9th December 2020
Subject: Peer Review of draft report on Promoting EVCARD’s Electric Vehicles Rental Service to Users who Own Cars in Shanghai


I am pleased to review the draft report on Promoting EVCARD’s Electric Vehicles Rental Service to Users who Own Cars in Shanghai. Since the report only provides introduction and purpose, the review will focus on the materials in the introduction part. Hope this peer review feedback could help you prove the final draft of the report.


First Impressions
The report has two sections, one is the introduction to the energy consumption and electric vehicles emissions where the author defines the two-stage of emission and introduce how sharing cars affect the emission figures. The second part is about the purpose of this report. Various key insights were gained through the second research collection over the world, but including primary research and data analysis process in this report will help meet the requirement.


The introduction of this report is well organized and follows a logical progression. The first step is defining the concept of energy consumption and remind readers the main focus of this report is carbon emission.


Analysis of Carbon Emission
The introduction use the source defined the two-stage of carbon emission: one is called WTT(well-to-tank), the other is WTW(well-to-wheel). This paragraph provides a good beginning to clarify the essential concept to readers. However, WTT and WTW didn’t appear in the following context. The purpose of highlighting the difference between those two concepts is somewhat confusing.
The following two paragraphs composed of the research from reputable resources. The first research specifies the energy consumption and narrows the focus on the area of car energy consumption in China. By comparing the traditional cars and electric cars in different perspective like environment impaction, health risk, the report offer an interesting idea that the main environment impaction is related to the distance of the place where generate the energy to population centers.
Providing a summarize for those three paragraphs at the end of the section help readers understand the connection between the materials provided. Since the introduction materials are coming from second resource, good logic connection to enable readers to understand why does the author decide to organize materials in a certain way, and what the author wants to achieve.


Analysis of Car-sharing behavior patterns
This part gives readers a wide introduction to different car-sharing behavior patterns. The organization could be improved by giving a general short comment on all patterns and highlight the argument. There seems to be an excessive emphasis devoted to displaying professional opinion on Car-sharing behavior patterns. Since the report is addressed to a chief officer of marketing, overreaching the research idea is considered superfluous.
It is recommended that including the conclusions sections will help meet requirements for a clearer report.


Purpose of Report
The main focus of the report was clearly stated at the beginning. Good use of “You Attitude” when giving advice which helps to prevent the reader from being offended.


Works Cited

References appear to be appropriate and correct. No improvements required.


Data Analysis
A short introduction to the method or technicals used in data collection is helpful.
Offering various visualized data could assist the reader to catch the argument.


The draft report provided compelling reasons for Promoting EVCARD’s Electric Vehicles Rental Service in Shanghai. Considering the draft report is not complete yet, the recommendation is to reallocate the arguments in the introduction section to data analysis. Employing second research support your findings make them more convincible.


If you have any questions regarding the feedback, please email me at

Enguang Shi Formal-Report-Draft-2

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