Formal Report Draft Peer Review

To: Shujun Peng, ENGL 301 Team Bloomers Member
From: Annie Maurer, ENGL 301 Team Bloomers Member
Date: December 10, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

Thank you for your excellent formal report draft, Shujun. Please find feedback below.

The introduction provides an impactful account of the problem to be addressed in the report. The section enables readers to understand the current reality facing persons with disabilities as they shop. One suggested improvement is to make this section more concise by removing repeated ideas. The literature review and survey data presentation are two highlights of the report. The literature review is in-depth and allows the readers to understand current obstacles and solutions. The survey data section does a great job of clearly communicating the survey results. The conclusion and recommendations section are missing from the draft. Once these two sections are included, the contents of the report provide an excellent source of information to the managing team of DaRunFa.

Overall, the report is well on the way to becoming a well-organized formal report. Sections of the report are separated by clear headings and subheadings. Well done. There is a slight disconnect between the literature review section and the preceding procedure paragraph. Introducing a segue or altering subheadings would remove the disconnect and increase flow for readers.

The document contains an appropriate, positive tone throughout. Good word-choice in the report leads to a sense of optimism and that through proactive actions, positive change can occur.

All document figures are labelled and add to the message being delivered. As well, figures are clear and easy to understand. Page numbers and a table of contents are missing from the draft. Including these elements in the final report will improve the overall document design.

Your formal report draft was a pleasure to read and I look forward to reading the final version. I hope this feedback has been helpful.

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