Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

TO: Shuge Luo, ENGL 301 99A Student
FROM: Enguang Shi, ENGL 301 99A Student
SUBJECT: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft
DATE: December 10, 2020

Hi Shuge Luo,

Thank you for submitting your report draft, I enjoyed reading your report on the investigation of the effectiveness of waste management.


I found the potential solution part is the most informative section of your report draft. It lists several very insightful and easy-to-implement solutions to solve the current problems of garbage collection in Scotland. The article should be easy to understand for its intended audience because it does not contain many technical terms, and some more complicated concepts are well explained.


The organization of the article is very clear and efficient. Because the author uses headings and subheadings very well. The use of big chunks of text is also avoided in the article. Most part of the article is connected to one another very naturally and logically. The link between the data result and the potential solutions can be strengthened in the final version of this report.


The tone is objective and positive throughout the whole report, and YOU-attitude is well-reflected in the content. Through some logical derivation, I can easily draw conclusions similar to the author, so the potential solution part is also easy to follow.


Graphics of this report is concise and perfectly integrated with the content of the article, but they are not labeled. The rest of the visual elements are equally pleasing to the eye.


It is an interesting experience to read your draft! Hopefully, my review is helpful when you are composing your final version of this report. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at

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