ENGL 301- Anusha Saleem, Peer review of report draft

To: Amol Chahal, ENGL 301 team member

From: Anusha Saleem, ENGL 301 team member

Peer Review: Formal Report Draft


Thank you for submitting your Formal report draft for peer-reviewing. Your report has a substantial amount of information and data. Please see my suggestions below which might help in completing the final version of your report.


The content of this report is very well presented and detailed. It would be even better if the accompanying images were followed with the data being described rather than being all in one section. This report definitely identified an area of improvement and presented the work in a clear manner without the use of technical jargon.


The organization of the report is easy to follow and the table of content provides the much needed navigation. An addition of references would greatly help this report but otherwise it looks good. Having subheadings in the introduction really helps the reader identify step by step what the thought process was behind writing this report.


The style of the tone throughout the report is very optimistic and informative, which makes it an intriguing read. It is very easy to follow, and clear in conveying the subject matter.


The colour choice and design of the report are coherent throughout. Perhaps starting a new subheading on a different page would make the report have more of an impact on the reader. The table of contents could also be made bigger to span the whole page, but overall the report looks polished and cohesive.


I throughly enjoyed reviewing this report, and I hope you contact me if you have any questions which I can answer about it. Thank you.

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