Peer Review of Evan’s Final Report Draft

To: Evan Ruiz, ENGL 301 Student
From: Mitchell Prost, ENGL 301 Student
Date: December 10, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

Hi Evan,

I hope you are doing well! I have read your formal report draft and have provided my comments below. Overall, it looks very good and I can tell that this is a topic that is important to you. I am excited to read your final report once it is complete.


The content of your formal report seems to be coming along nicely. I did notice a grammatical improvement that could be made in your first sentence. Adding a comma after “COVID-19” and removing the commas around “around the world” so that the sentence reads “In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, students around the world have made the transition to engage […]”

I believe that your draft gives an excellent introduction to the ideas that you are exploring. Your reasoning for choosing your topic is well defined and clear to the ready why it is important. Additionally, the data that you have presented seems to do a good job of addressing the questions asked.

I found your solutions to be quite interesting, and agree that they seem to be address the needs your data revealed. I additionally believe that your report is poised to be useful for your intended audience in presenting recommended solutions to the issues addressed.


The organization of your draft is clear and demonstrates a logical flow of thought. Your table of contents is well constructed and your headings are clear and allow a good level of organization.  A consideration that could be made is moving your section on Challenges Associated with Remote Education before your data section. This would help provide a more thorough introduction to the topics examined in your data section.


Throughout your draft, the tone is kept objective and positive through-out. Additionally, it is easy for the reader to follow your lines of thought throughout the entire paper. Great job!


The graphs in your draft are well constructed. One suggestion that I have is changing the style of the graphs into a bar chart or a pie chart. The way it is currently set up makes it appear like it is implying a trend. Additionally, it is difficult to tell what the exact number of responses in each category of “Strongly Disagree,” “Disagree,” etc. is. Making these changes would allow the reader to interpret the data better.

Final Impressions

Overall, great work! I am impressed by the quality of your draft, and am looking forward to seeing the final product. If you would like me to provide and clarifications or discussion of my suggestions, please feel free to email me at

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