4.1 Peer Review: Application Package

To: AnushaSaleem
From: Shuge Luo
Date: Dec 15, 2020
Subject: Peer review of Application Package Draft


Thank you for submitting your application package draft for review. Please find my comments as follows.


First Impression

The application is complete and correctly formatted. Each document has a clear structure. There are a couple of suggestions for each section and hope this will strengthen your application package.



The resume is well organized. Instead of prioritizing education, the author decided to highlight the skillset and working experience. The projects show strong programming skills and technical competence. It also lists all relative skills which make recruiters easier to find.

Giving more details of the projects could help the recruiter know more about your strength and weakness. For example, since react is a framework based on Javascript, it doesn’t make sense to highlight it without mentioning Javascript. Besides, some of the projects using the same skills such as Java swing which is already outdated. Avoiding putting outdated skills on the project introduction could make you look more professional and take care of the new technology and new trends in the IT industry.

A resume with the objective is usually preferred by recruiters as it is more concise and clear the position you like to apply for.


Cover Letter

The cover letter is well-structured with the first paragraph highlight the position you are seeking. Here below are my suggestions:

  • Combining the first and second paragraph since narrowing education background could give more space to the introduction of your working experience and project experience.
  • Highlighting the working experience in IT and the communication skills you learned from this.
  • Giving a project experience with one of the programming languages listed in the Resume and showing more details about the process where the recruiter could see the ability to solve the problem.

Reference Letters

The content and structure of the first reference letters are well presented. Considering the suggestion below:

  • Adding more personal strength to the second and third letters. Highlight the skills you developed which match the position you are applying for.
  • Listing a bullet point could help your mentors write a reference letter easier.
  • Attaching your resume at the end of the letter.

Overall, the letters highlight the impressive achievements of the applicant. Demonstrates how the skills and experience will be useful to the organization.


The application package is well written and showcases your skills to the recruiting manager. Making some of the changes recommended above would further polish an already outstanding resume. Feel free to contact me at 1416518573@qq.com if you have any questions.

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