Assignment 4.1 – Peer Review of Jen’s Application Package

Reviewer’s Name: Jonathan Ho
Author’s Name: Jen Deluz
Date: December 15, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Job Application Package

Hi Jen,

Thank you for submitting a job application package, please find the review of the package below:

Initial Impressions
The package is neatly organized with easily discernible sections, appropriate length, and proper formatting. Well-done!

Job Description
The software developer position at Ensemble Systems Inc. along with the recommended qualifications are both clear and concise. The citation is correctly formatted according to MLA standards. Good job!

Cover Letter
The letter clearly demonstrates qualifications by directly referring to recommended skills, both soft and technical. One suggestion:

  • Showing an example as proof of eagerness to improve communication and organization skills may be a better approach than saying “Although, my current communication, time management, and critical thinking skills as is will be a positive addition to the company.”.

A single-page, relevant, easy to read and understand resume. One minor suggestion:

  • Maintaining past tense in the employment section across all previous employments may be preferable due to consistency.

Requests for References
All 3 requests are formal emails with grateful tone. The inclusion of both the resume and job advertisement for the recipients are highly appreciated. A couple suggestions:

  • Substituting “a lot” with “a great deal” in the sentence “I learned a lot about both backend and frontend development while working alongside you.” will improve the otherwise formal tone throughout the emails.
  • Splitting the sentence “Having you as my mentor and your tremendous credibility within the software development industry, I believe you can provide potential employers with specific insight pertaining to my skills that will improve my chances of landing this new position.” will improve flow and prevent the recipient from receiving too much information in a single sentence.

Final Impressions and Conclusion
Overall, this is an excellent and complete package. All documents utilize appropriate tone and you-attitude. Here is the list of the suggested edits:

  • Showing an example of eagerness to improve communication and organization skills in the cover letter.
  • Maintaining past tense throughout the entire resume.
  • Substituting “a lot” with a different synonym in the request for references.
  • Splitting a sentence with too much detail to improve flow in the request for references.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at any time.


Jonathan Ho

301 Jen Deluz Job Application Package

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