To: Jonathan Ho, English 301 Student Writer
From: Jen Deluz, English 301 Student Reviewer
Date: December 15, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Job Application Package Draft
Thank you for submitting the job application package draft. All components are well written, concise, and easy to read. Please kindly find suggestions for improvements below.
First Impressions
Overall, the job application package presents all required components in a well-organized manner. The cover letter is eloquently written, clearly showcasing relevant experience and applicable skill sets.
Job Description. The job description is clear and well organized. Citation is correctly written in MLA format.
Cover Letter. This is an example of a clear, effective, and compelling cover letter. The letter showcases how the combination of skill sets and employment experience meet the key requirements described within the job description.
Resume. All sections are well-organized and listed in reverse chronological order which is easy to follow along. Here are some suggestions:
- Including an objective to briefly describe clear career goals
- Avoiding underlined text as it can be difficult for readers to read
- Adding emphasis to section headings and titles with the use of bold or italics
- Keeping consistent if job titles are chosen to be italicized and company names are bold
- Remaining consistent with the amount of bullet points within each section
- Beginning each bullet point first with a strong action verb
- Using present tense exclusively for current and ongoing work being performed
Reference Requests. All reference requests are phrased formally and respectfully. The position is well explained to provide the recipient with enough information and context for the request. The addition of the updated resume and job description will also provide the recipient with enough resources.
Grammar and Tone
All components of the job application package is written diligently with neither grammar nor technical errors.
Concluding Comments
Overall, the job application package draft is excellent. Well done! Below is a brief summary of the suggestions for the resume component.
- Including an objective to briefly describe career goal
- Avoiding underlined text
- Adding emphasis to section headings and titles with the use of bold or italics
- Remaining consistent with the amount of bullet points in each section
- Beginning each bullet point with a strong action verb
- Using present tense exclusively for current and ongoing work
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further clarification.
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