Peer Review: Formal Report Draft

To: Anusha Saleem
From: Amol Chahal
Date: 14th December 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Eliminate Bicycle Theft at UBC Student Residence


I am pleased to provide a review for the draft report on Eliminating Bicycle Theft at UBC Student Residence.

First Impressions
The report is well organized into various headings and sections. The titles are well-formed. There is also a Table of Contents for easy navigation. I would maybe consider changing the size of subtitles and titles to avoid confusion. At first glance, iI think it was a little confusing for me to tell which one is a subtitle versus the main title.


This section provides insightful background information regarding the topic at hand. I would consider adding a little more context to the Background section. It might also help to combine some of the subsections of the Introduction section.

Purpose of Report

The purpose is clearly and concisely defined. It might help to give the purpose of its own main title, rather than making a subheading.


Needs to be updated.

Data Analysis

To be updated as per the draft.


To be updated as per the draft.

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