ENGL 301-Anusha Saleem, 4.1 Peer Review: Application Package

To: Amol Chahal, ENGL 301 Student
From: Anusha Saleem, ENGL 301 Student
Date: December 15th, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Application

Hello Amol,

I’m so excited to review your Application Package. Given that we will be searching for various internships and jobs soon, we should take every advantage to polish our Application Packages.
Overall, your Application Package is very well composed. It highlights the array of experiences you have and shines a light on your achievements. I’ll talk about each section in detail below.

Cover Letter:
Your cover letter is very well structured as it encompasses all aspects of your previous position and displays how you would be the best fit for the advertised role. Your cover letter would also be instantly eye-catching to HR if you include the title of the position you are applying for in the subject.

Your resume is overall very professional and provides a snapshot of your experience. In particular, I like how you displayed the company logo beside their name, as a reader’s eye instantly gets drawn to it.

Reference Letters:
Your reference letters are well written. It is always important to ask within the letter, whether the person is comfortable in referring you to your prospective employer, which you have done. Your tone is of respect, empathy and gratefulness, which makes it easier to persuade the reader in your favour.

Overall, your application package is very well thought out and requires just some minor adjustments. Other than that, it’s all good to go!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach me at ubcasal15@gmail.com

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