Assignment 1.3 Peer Review: Root Canal Procedure

Name of the Reviewer: Roxanne Robles

Author’s Name: Erin Mungham

Date: October 1, 2020

Title of the Expanded Definition: Root Canal Procedure

Thank you for submitting your assignment. Overall, you did a great job. Your definitions were well thought out, precise and easily understandable. I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Below are a couple suggestions for improvement.

Initial Impressions: My first impression of the material was that the definitions were easily understandable. The expanded definition was well researched and explained concisely and simplistically, but with enough detail to get a good understanding of the term.

Audience and Expression: The situation and audience was well defined in the introduction and appropriate for this assignment. The paragraphs involved a good use of active voice. The use in language and sentence structures were simple and straight forward which enable for non-technical readers to understand. In “How does it work?” section, a parenthetical definition of “crown” and more clarification on the term “anti-bacterial” for those unfamiliar with these. 

Organization: The introduction provided a good background to the objectives of the assignment as well as set the situation and audience for the definitions. The expanded definition was not overbearing and easily understandable in these chunks, which allowed for a chance for the information to be absorbed.  I enjoyed the use of sections in the definitions since it allowed for a good flow for reading and absorption of the information. The last heading, “How does it work?”, which explained the procedure itself, could have been worded better, i.e., “What steps are involved?“. A conclusion would have been good way to wrap up. References were added in the correct places and well formatted.

Content: The parenthetical and sentence definitions were simple and concise. The expanded definition provided a fair amount of content to understand what a root canal procedure entails. The use of the following methods of expansions really contributed to a better understanding of the term:

  • Etymology
  • Required conditions
  • Analysis of parts / Operating principle
  • Visuals

Here are some suggestions of what could have been added to the definition are:

  • What are the benefits of a root canal procedure/What happens if a root canal procedure is not performed?
  • What can lead to an infected tooth that leads to the need for the procedure?
  • How often do people need root canal procedures/What is the need/statistics?

Visuals: The illustrations gave some depth to the definition and felt like a good visual aid in combination. Figure 1 gave a good background of what an infected tooth that would need a root canal would look like. Figure 2 was a good visual in combination to the steps involved in a root canal procedure. However, it would have been better to have a labelled visual in order to better determine which step corresponded to each image in the illustration. In addition, if the visual included all steps in the procedure that would have been good too.

Grammar and sentence structure: Your sentences are clear and grammatically correct. A minor issue in the “How does it work?” section was that a couple steps were missing capitalizations.

Concluding Comments: The definitions were a good knowledgeable read, and overall, well organized. Each section provided a good insight to root canals and the root canal procedure. In summary to the above, with the following changes, it will make the document more effective and informative:

  • A parenthetical definition for “crown” and clarification on term, “antibacterial” (is this an antibacterial solution?)
  • A better labelled visual, explaining the step-by-step process involved
  • Number steps involved in “How does it work?”, as well as more clarification on some steps
  • A better heading for “How does it work?” section
  • A conclusion to end the document

I have included some comments and suggestions to help improve your assignment. I enjoyed reading and learning about the root canal procedure. If you have any questions or require any clarification, please let me know.

Review Definition – Erin Mungham 

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