Assignment 1.3 – Peer Review of “PCR”

Hi team,

Please find my peer review of Jonathan’s “Three Definitions” assignment below.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Kind regards,

To: Jonathan Ho, English 301 Student
From: Jen Deluz, English 301 Student
Date: October 5, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Your “Three Definitions” Assignment

Hi Jonathan,

I have finished reviewing your “Three Definitions” assignment on the term PCR. I found your definitions to be well thought out; the term was defined utilizing the appropriate strategies and techniques. With little to no technical knowledge of biology, it was easy to follow along and understand the scientific definition of PCR. Please kindly find below a few minor suggestions on improvements which you may find beneficial.

Purpose: Your explanation of the introduction and scenario is concise. However, it may be useful to provide a brief preface on DNA in the expanded definition because of the targeted individual’s lack of knowledge. The term PCR involves DNA so providing additional context can assist in supporting the audience’s understanding.

Typos: An incredibly minor typo or linguistic error, there is a bit of inconsistency with punctuation or the lack thereof for “DNA template” in your bullet list for the expanded definition. 

Jargon: Your use of language is appropriate—simple and straightforward. I like how you utilized a parenthetical definition while mentioning “nucleotides” in your expanded definition. However, I found that “Primers” could also use a parenthetical definition or be further described; the function was explained but I am still unsure what it is.

Visuals: Your analysis of parts is represented well in the chosen visual. I appreciate the explanation of “Taq” in the figure description. However, additional labels that clearly indicate the inputs can be useful to provide the audience a better understanding of the diagram. Perhaps you can also include visuals of the inputs following their description to further support the audience’s comprehension.

Final Impression: Your use of multiple expansion methods work well together, composing a concise yet informative expanded definition. The operating principle provides a smooth transition into the analysis of parts with its supporting visual. The included examples provide the audience with more information and diminish the probability of the term being wrongfully understood or applied in real-life situations. My only suggestion is to keep in mind your intended audience and their knowledge or their lack thereof.

You were able to fulfill the purpose of this assignment through proper application of appropriate strategies and techniques. I consider your technical writing for definitions to be concise and effective, as I was unfamiliar with the term prior to reviewing your assignment. I hope you find these suggestions to be beneficial. Please let me know if you have any questions or require further clarification. I look forward to reading your final submission!


Jonathan Ho’s Three Definitions

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