Peer Review of Amnia’s Definition Assignment

Name of Reviewer: Mitchell Prost
Author’s Name: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette
Term: Naloxone


Hello Amnia, you have created some great definitions here! Find my peer-review of your definitions below.


Initial Impressions

After an initial read-over, I am quite impressed with the succinctness and clarity with which you have created these definitions. As I have been trained in Naloxone administration, I am more familiar with your chosen term than your target audience. With this in mind, I put myself in a layperson’s shoes to read your definitions. I believe you provided a sufficient level of information for me to understand clearly what you have written. To be frank, if I were your editor, I would approve this without any major revisions – well done!

Comments about Purpose

In this assignment, you clearly stated the purpose of naloxone, classifying it in your sentence definition as “a drug used to temporarily reverse the life-threatening effects of opioid overdose, including overdose caused by heroin and fentanyl.” The historical context you provided allowed the reader to develop a deeper understanding of the term and its usage in context. Furthermore, the inclusion of the SAVE ME steps allows the reader to gain practical use out of the definition.

Comments about Audience

As mentioned above, I am familiar with the term Naloxone. With this being said, I can confirm that your definition is accurate and provided information that I found useful as a review. 

I am confident that if a layperson were to read this, they would have no issues understanding the concepts presented.

Suggested Changes

The only suggested change I have is to clarify the term “ampoule.” It is mentioned four times in your definition without clarification of what it is. The average reader may not be familiar with this term and may benefit from a parenthetical definition in your expanded definition.

Comments about Organization

My only comment regarding your organization is that it is well done. The flow of content is logical and you end your expanded definition on a strong note.

Overall Final Impressions

Your definitions are excellent and require minimal modifications. You have done a great job at creating concise definitions that allow readers to obtain the relevant information to understand your term at an operational level. Well done!

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