Assignment 2.1 – Email Memo


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Instructor
From: Jonathan Ho, ENGL301 Student
Date: October 13, 2020
Subject: ENGL301 Formal Report Proposal

I am writing to inform you that my research proposal for a formal report has been completed and is posted on my team’s writing forum.

My proposal contains:

  • An introduction – Improving shelf talkers at Shoppers Drug Mart
  • Problem statement – Downsides of paper talkers
  • Proposed solution – Replace with electronic talkers
  • Scope of potential research – Benefits and drawbacks of each talker type, preferences, maintenance, cost of switching
  • Methods – Surveys, interviews, reivews
  • My qualifications – Former employee at a Shoppers Drug Mart
  • Conclusion

Please let me know if I have forgotten or misplaced any details, I look forward to hearing your opinion and feedback.

Link: Research Proposal

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