Email Memorandum: Formal Report Proposal (Aleem Tariq)


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor
From: Aleem Tariq, ENGL 301 99A Student
Date: October 14th, 2020
Subject: ENGL 99A 301 Summary of Formal Report Proposal

Hello Dr. Paterson,

I am emailing to inform you that my formal report has been completed, with major points addressed shown below, and can be found at the following link.

The proposal features the following:

  • An introduction to the goals and mission of Harvest Project
  • A Statement of Problem
  • Proposed Solution
  • Scope of the Report
  • Research Methods
  • My Qualifications
  • Intended Audience
  • Conclusion

I hope you find my report proposal to be illuminating. I look forward to hearing your response.

Kindest Regards,

Aleem Tariq

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