Formal Report Proposal- How to Improve Physical and Mental Wellbeing for Remote Employees

To: Dr. Erika Patterson
From: Evan Ruiz

October 14, 2020

Subject: Proposal to study how intermittent physical activity and, in a work from home environment, can be applied to improve overall health and wellbeing for employees at Okta, inc. 


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic many individuals, unfortunately, have lost their jobs. Those who are fortunate enough, and able to, to conduct business in a remote environment are, however, facing a new set of challenges. 

With projects, team meetings, etc all conducted from one’s computer, employees are sitting for longer, with fewer reasons and or opportunities to move around. 

Organizations are finding remote work productivity the same, if not higher, than an in-office/ onsite work environment. Undoubtedly, this will change how companies define the future of work. Opportunities will arise for organizations to hire employees, irrespective of location, increase standard working hours, as commute times are removed, and increase connectivity/ communication between offices. 

Statement of Problem 

Okta Inc., is a publicly traded software as a service (SaaS) company that provides identity and access management solutions. In short, it enables organizations, and their customers, to access their applications/ data from anywhere and on any device, in a secure manner. 

As a fast paced and on-call organization, it is difficult for employees to “step away” from their desks. As a result, there are two major problems that come top of mind. First, employees are spending hours and hours, on a daily basis, in a seated position; second, employees are having to spend a majority of their day with little to no “personal” and or social interaction. Consequently, physical and mental health are being negatively impacted, and must be addressed. 

Proposed Solution 

I propose a two-pronged solution to help employees at Okta, inc increase their overall physical and mental wellbeing. 

First, I suggest that all employees, across the board, have time blocked off on their calendars to step away from their desks, walk around, stretch, etc. This can be done in four, fifteen minute, blocks throughout the day. As all employees would share a common “step-away, stretch out, and walk” time block, there would not be an expectation from colleagues to respond to emails/ messages during this time. Ultimately, this would allow employees to feel confident when taking advantage of these breaks; knowing that it’s acceptable and encouraged to do so. 

Secondly, I suggest that morning “coffee talks” and end of day “socials” are available and encouraged for employees to attend. The fact of the matter is that many of these employees, while working remotely, are spending most of their days at home. As a result, the amount of time they are interacting with and or socializing with others might be limited. These socialization times might encourage employee bonding and improve the mental well-being of those who are feeling isolated. 


To assess the feasibility of improving general physical and mental wellbeing at Okta, inc., I will inquire about the following areas:

  1. How are other organizations handling a work from home environment?
  2. Are their products available, like a standing desk, that can increase physical wellbeing?
  3. What are the consequences of consistent and frequent sitting throughout the day?
  4. What is the degree of benefit to simple, intermittent, physical activity?
  5. How often should this intermittent physical activity take place?
  6. In general, how is mental health being effected by a work from home environment?
  7. Do virtual socializations mimic or help combat feelings of isolation, in comparison to in-person socialization?


Primarily, I will get my data from scholarly articles that address the consequences of consistent and frequent sitting. More specifically, how these negative effects can be combated through brief, and systematic, breaks throughout the day. Furthermore, I will work to obtain data that considers the relationship between remote work and mental health; can virtual socializations mimic the positive effects of in-person socialization, in reference to decreasing feelings of isolation?

 Moreover, I will work to connect with members on my team to get a subjective understanding of their experience and how my proposed solutions might be able to help. 


For the last five to six months, in the midst of the COVID- 19 pandemic, I have been working remotely. I understand the challenges associated with remote work, and believe I have valuable insight into the effects, positive and negative, that it may have. 

As psychology is my primary field of study, I believe that I can draw from the field, and implement some of the skills I have learned to obtain a well throughout and researched answer/ solution.


For all remote workers, physical health and mental wellbeing needs to be an important topic of discussion. I look forward to investigating what strategies and techniques might be implemented to best help myself, and my fellow colleagues at Okta.


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