Formal Report Proposal

To:          Dr. Erika Paterson
From:     Annie Maurer
Date:      October 14, 2020
Subject:  Proposal for the Implementation of a Pedestrian Light at the Intersection of Chesterfield and 17th in North Vancouver

The central Lonsdale community in North Vancouver has seen unprecedented development in recent years. To meet city densification goals, the primary locations that have seen drastic changes are the streets directly East and West of Lonsdale. This has resulted in a two-block span consisting of predominantly multi-level residential buildings between Chesterfield Avenue and St. George’s Avenue. These changes have brought an influx of pedestrian traffic to the area. There has not been a matching upgrade in pedestrian infrastructure.

Statement of Problem
Over the last three years while crossing the intersection at 17th and Chesterfield, I have witnessed countless close calls where a vehicle has almost collided with a pedestrian. I have also heard many accounts from neighbours with similar experiences. Chesterfield has become a busy thoroughfare for vehicles trying to bypass the vehicle restrictions on Lonsdale Avenue. There is also heavy foot traffic along 17th crossing Chesterfield. There is a high number of vehicles driving along Chesterfield that do not stop at the 4-way stop and it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed.

Proposed Solution
One potential solution to increase pedestrian safety is to install a pedestrian amber light crossing signal. Pedestrians would press a button before entering the crosswalk that initializes a large flashing light above the intersection. Instead of crossing the intersection while relying on cars to visually see you as a pedestrian, the light would provide an extra warning to vehicles and reduce the likelihood of collisions.

To determine the best implementation strategy, I plan to investigate the following areas:
1. Who are the different users of this intersection and with what frequency?
2. What are pedestrians’ experiences with using this intersection?
3. What is the accident history of the intersection?
4. Are there any current plans to address this issue?
5. What is the cost of implementation?
6. Which governing body would need to approve the project and oversee it?

My primary research method will be to gather data from the intersection itself at Chesterfield and 17th. I will determine how many vehicles and how many pedestrians cross the intersection within a certain timeframe. Surveys will be another mode of data collection. The surveys will gather more qualitative data from both pedestrians and drivers. I am interested in people’s experiences crossing the intersection as well as drivers. I would like to determine if there are factors contributing to driver’s difficulty in viewing the stop sign and/or the crosswalk.

Intended Audience
The intended audience for this proposal is North Vancouver City Councilors to which the proposal will be presented. In order for an infrastructure change like this to occur, the proposal must be entered into a Council Meeting to be talked about and voted on. The proposal must provide as much relevant information as possible for the councilors. Aside from councilors who would make the final decision on whether to proceed with the proposal, fellow neighbours would also be interested in reading it. Neighbours would read this proposal so they could make an informed decision on whether to support the proposal or not. Obtaining multiple opinions about the proposal prior to submitting it to council would allow concerns to be addressed preemptively.

My Qualifications
I have lived near this intersection for three years. I cross the intersection daily at different times of the day. My concern for the safety of my community makes me an ideal candidate to pursue measures to improve this pedestrian thoroughfare.

Action is desperately needed at this intersection to prevent a catastrophe. Drivers do not seem to see the stop sign at Chesterfield and 17th putting pedestrians at risk. Installing a pedestrian light at this intersection is one potential measure that could improve safety. With your approval, I will begin the research outlined in this proposal.

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