Assignment 2:1 Formal Report – Peer Review

To: Anusha Saleem, Author

From: Amol Chahal, Reviewer

Reviewer Date: October 21, 2020

Subject: Formal Report Review

I have reviewed your Formal Project proposal and provided some feedback below for your reference. If you have any further questions/concerns or would like to discuss, please let me know.

First Impressions:

Overall, I found your proposal to be well-written and organized. I can personally attest to feeling the sentiment that you have presented in your proposal. I believe that it is a valid concern currently being faced by students all around the world.


Your proposal is well-organized presented in a formal structure and tone. The headings are defined well and match the content they represent.


The introduction perfectly describes the background information and broad big picture view. I think you could potentially write your second paragraph into the problem section as it introduces the problem. However, for completeness’ sake, you may also leave it in your introduction as well.

Statement of Problem

The problem is also perfectly presented and well-organized. I would potentially add a little more context to the issue, describing the benefits of the on-campus experience.

Proposed Solution:

I would challenge your thought-process here a bit with regard to implementing a social media app. When I was going through your proposal, I was curious about how would a specific social media app replace the in-person student experience? What would be the difference between such an app versus what students currently have, like Facebook groups?


This section describes well-organized bullet points describing well-structured questions.


One suggestion I would add for this section is to potentially provide more detail regarding how exactly you will go about conducting those surveys. Would you be doing this online via form or video chat?

Overall, it is a very well-written and structured proposal. If approved, I am excited to learn about what you find regarding this issue.

Assignment 2.1 Formal Report Proposal

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