ENGL 301 99A- Assignment 2:2- Memo for LinkedIn Best Practices


To: Roxanne Robles, Junrong Zhu, ENG301 99A professional writing team members
From: Erin Mungham, ENG301 99A professional writing team member
Date: October 24, 2020
Subject: Ten Best Practices for using LinkedIn as a Professional Networking Site

As requested on the course website for lesson 2:2, I have researched best practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking site. The following is a list of my findings:

  1. A professional profile photo (UBC).
  2. Use keywords in the headline, summary and experience section to make your profile stand out (Balkhi, 2018).
  3. Consider which audience or opportunity you are trying to connect with and write a headline that might interest them (UBC).
  4. Create a summary that describes your unique skills and values you bring to the workplace (UBC).
  5. Make connections by joining LinkedIn groups, commenting on posts, or sending someone an article (UBC).
  6. Have recommendations from each organization you worked at (before sending a recommendation request through LinkedIn, email the individual asking permission to request one) (UBC).
  7. As you gain experience, tailor your profile accordingly (UBC).
  8. Follow companies and organizations that you are interested in (“How to Use LinkedIn Effectively”).
  9. Develop and maintain a good reputation (“How to Use LinkedIn Effectively”).
  10. Set a goal. Ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish by networking (i.e. looking for a new job? Looking for mentorship?) (Maronne, 2018).

LinkedIn is a great platform to make professional connections and seek job opportunities. What I learned from my research is that it is important to have a unique profile, set a networking goal, and actively participate in making connections. Please let me know if you require any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you.


Works Cited

Maronne, Joey. “The Beginners Guide to Professional Networking in 2018”. LinkedIn, 21 June 2018.

www.linkedin.com/pulse/beginners-guide-professional-networking-2018-joey-marrone. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020.

Mind Tools. “How to Use LinkedIn Effectively”. www.mindtools.com/pages/article/linkedin.htm. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020

Syed, Balkhi. “How to Network on LinkedIn Like a Pro”. Business.com, 23 Aug. 2018,

www.business.com/articles/linkedin-networking-tips/. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020.

UBC. “How to Effectively Use LinkedIn”. University of British Columbia Student Services.

www.students.ubc.ca/career/career-resources/effectively-use-linkedin. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020.

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