Assignment 2.2: Memorandum – Best LinkedIn Practices

To: Claire Eccles, Quentin Michalchuk, Hilton Ma, Members of the ENGL 301A Writing Team, Pencil Pack
From: Eugenia Fasciani, ENGL 301A Student
Date: October 26, 2020
Subject: Research of Best LinkedIn Practices

LinkedIn is a professional networking site that can be thought of as more than just a digital résumé. It was designed to help people in making business connections, share their professional experiences and find jobs. With the rise of social media, many job recruiters have turned to platforms like LinkedIn in order to advertise potential jobs and to contact potential employees. This makes learning to navigate LinkedIn important for job seekers and those looking to expand their professional networks. Listed below are ten best practices for using LinkedIn:

  1. Customizing LinkedIn URL and Profile Visibility – this helps with Google ranking (Garst).
  2. Using a Professional Headshot – ideally 400 pixels by 400 pixels (Garst).
  3. Creating a Striking Summary – be sure to highlight biggest accomplishments (Garst).
  4. Proofreading Content That is Posted – poor grammar and spelling indicates a lack of attention to detail
  5. Seeking Recommendations – endorsements give those viewing the LinkedIn profile a quick snapshot of skills that may not be featured in the profile otherwise (Fleming).
  6. Keeping Profile Updated – a LinkedIn profile needs to reflect a change in employment status, the completion of a degree, etc. in order to attract more relevant potential contacts (Kim).
  7. Growing a Network – sync a LinkedIn network with an email address book so that the site can suggest potential connections (Fleming).
  8. Following Organizations and Companies That are Interesting – know what is going on with a potential employer (Johnson).
  9. Adding Customized Media – LinkedIn profiles stand out with the addition of personal presentations, videos and other visual content (Kim).
  10. Joining Groups – a great way to start connecting with people and help to build a personal brand (Kim).

Research indicates that a an easy-to-read profile and a well-written summary will enable any LinkedIn profile to stand out. It is also important to remain active on the networking site by regularly connecting with new people and keeping one’s profile updated.

Works Cited

Fleming, Jane. “20 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile in 2020.” LinkedIn, 15 Feb. 2020,


Garst, Kim. “10 Steps to Your Perfect LinkedIn Profile.” Kim Garst | Marketing Strategies That WORK, 16 Oct.


Johnson, Dave. “‘What Is LinkedIn?’: A Beginner’s Guide to the Popular Professional Networking and Career

Development Site.” Business Insider, 6 Sept. 2019,


Kim, Larry. “22 Great Tips for Enhancing Your LinkedIn Profile – Marketing and Entrepreneurship.” Medium, 21

June 2018,


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