Memorandum – LinkedIn Best Practice

To: Rodrigo Samayoa, ENGL301 Student
Mitchell Prost, ENGL301 Student
Evan Ruiz, ENGL301 Student

From: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, ENGL301 Student

Date: October 26, 2020

Subject: Memorandum – LinkedIn Best Practice

Hello team,

After reviewing various resources related to best practice when using the professional networking website LinkedIn, I am writing to provide a short summary of my research:

– Engage regularly. Once you have set up your profile, aim to engage regularly with the platform through blog posts or sharing resources. Only 1% of LinkedIn’s 260 million monthly users share posts (Osman, 2020), meaning 99% of users are missing out on the 9 billion impressions generated per week on the website.

– Know your audience. Posts on LinkedIn should be specifically towards employers and other professionals within your field. Make sure to keep the posts professional and relevant to the workplace – LinkedIn should not be used as any other social media platform.

– Be mindful of the photos you share. Try to use a high-quality, professional headshot for your profile picture, and use the background photo to grab people’s attention and create an impression (Flemming, 2020).

– Choose a catchy headline. Your name and headline are what people see when you engage with content on LinkedIn. The headline should be more than just your job title; try to be creative while including key works that will help people searching for professionals in your field (Mäkipää, 2019).

– Make sure to include a summary. Summaries offer a chance to tell your audience about yourself and your story beyond a simple list of job titles and skills, and can help create a lasting impression.

– Ask and share endorsements. Endorsements can help corroborate your skills and experience, and show that you work well with others. Reach out to people whose endorsements you would value and return the favour by writing one for them (Doyle, 2019).

Thank you and feel free to contact me at with any comments!


Amina Moustaqim-Barrette



Doyle, A. (2019, May 20). Learn About LinkedIn Endorsements—What They Are and How to Use Them. The Balance Careers.

Flemming, J. (2020, February 20). 20 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2020. LinkedIn.

Mäkipää, M. (2019, December 30). 9 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2019. Ragan Communications.

Osman, M. (2020, October 19). Mind-Blowing LinkedIn Statistics and Facts. Kinsta.

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