Assignment 2:2 Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile

To: Junrong Zhu, ENGL 301 99A Dream Team Member
From: Erin Mungham, ENGL 301 99A Dream Team Member
Subject: Peer review of LinkedIn Profile Page

Thank you for submitting the link for your LinkedIn profile page. Please see the review of the LinkedIn page below which outlines suggestions for improvements and areas of excellence.

First Impressions:
This LinkedIn page includes a detailed list of work experience, certifications and skills. The information provided on this page is a great platform to make professional connections and seek job opportunities.

Quality and Appropriateness of Profile Photo:

  • The profile photo is clear and looks like it was taken with a professional camera
  • The attire in the photo is professional

Use of Keywords:

  • Great use of keywords such as: technical skills, computer science, hospitality, leadership, revenue analysis and financial accounting. These keywords will help this profile stand out.

Summary Section:

  • The summary briefly outlines career objectives
  • More information is needed to add uniqueness to the profile
  • The summary should strengthen the audience’s first impression of you. Include details such as: biggest achievements, what you’re passionate about, industry knowledge, skills, share a hobby or interest, etc.

Consideration of Audience/Headline:

  • The headline is “First Year UBC Computer Science BCS Student”. This headline will intrigue those in the computer science field, well done.
  • The audience you are trying to connect with is easily identifiable, anyone with computer science experience.

Description of Skills:

  • The “Skills & Endorsements” section is well organized and lists a number of skills related to previous work experience
  • These skills should be further explained in the “summary” section. Elaborating on these specific skills will show the audience how each one is incorporated into the computer science field


  • Endorsements are available and add validity to the work experience listed
  • Team leadership and Microsoft Office are great endorsements to have for a career in computer science

Concluding Comments:

This LinkedIn profile is informative and professional. With the following edits, this will be a useful platform to build connections with others in your field:

  • List skills in the “summary section”
  • Elaborate on the “summary section” and provide more details to help your profile be unique

Thank you and please feel free to ask any questions, it has been a pleasure peer reviewing this work.

Peer review template

Junrong’s LinkedIn Profile Page

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