Assignment 2:2. Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile

To: Elton Kok, Author of the Linked In Profile
From: Aleem Tariq, Peer Reviewer
Date: November 3rd, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Elton Kok’s Linked In Profile

Hi Elton,

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your LinkedIn profile. It highlights your skills and experience in a professional manner, and I have no doubt that your profile will catch the eye of prospective employers. A review of your profile, as well as suggestions, are listed below.

First Impressions

Your profile does an excellent job of communicating your story to an employer. In particular, your sheer number of endorsements is excellent, and your rather large number of connections means that more prospective employers are likely to see your profile. However, I noticed that your work experience section can be significantly expanded on, given your wealth of experience.

Profile & Cover Photo

Your profile photo is clear, in-focus, and clearly displays your face with excellent lighting. My only recommendation would be to include a cover photo that relates to your background and/or is relevant to your objectives. In addition, it may be best to wear a dress shirt in your profile photo, as I’ve noticed that in most profiles, people are wearing a professional uniform.


Your headline needs more information, with regards to your aspirations, and what your objective is. It would be excellent if you added that you’re an aspiring software engineer/developer, what sort of work role you are seeking and when, as well as the languages you are most proficient in. This will go a long way towards catching the attention of recruiters that see your profile.


Your summary highlights your background, and aspirations, within an appropriate length. I would recommend the addition of a small section wherein a personality trait is mentioned that recruiters may look for. For instance, you mention that you “love building new projects and learning new technologies to expand my skill set”. This ties well with being curious and seeing oneself as a life-long learner. Overall, however, your summary is excellent.

Work & Volunteer Experience

Your work experience is concise and organized in chronological order, as I imagine is appropriate in this scenario. However, I strongly suggest that you expand on your specific role within each position, adding bullet-points that concisely explain what you did for your employer.


Your education section is concise and organized in chronological order, as is appropriate. I would recommend you expand on your endeavours, as well as industry-relevant classes taken during your time in University.

Skills, Accomplishments & Interests

Your profile truly shines in this section. Not only have you completed a LinkedIn assessment for a large number of skills, but you also have a large number of endorsements for key skills demanded of any software developer. I also noticed your achievement of the Dean’s List for all years of full-time study. Overall, this section is excellent.

Organization, Sentence Structure, and Grammar

Your writing style and tone are professional, and I have noticed no grammatical errors. However, I would recommend that when reviewing your headline and summary statement, you choose words that are more likely to be picked up by recruiter search algorithms.

Concluding Comments

Overall, your profile does an excellent job of communicating yourself to a prospective employer and/or recruiter. The following suggestions below, which were expanded on above, can significantly improve your profile.

  • Incorporating more information into your headline, so that it may stand out
  • Expanding on your work experience, in terms of your day-to-day roles and responsibilities
  • Expanding on your education, in terms of endeavours pursued during your time at University
  • Personalizing your summary by referencing a trait that makes you unique

Aleem Tariq

Link to original profile: Elton Kok LinkedIn Profile

Link to Peer Review Template: Peer Review LinkedIn Template – Aleem Tariq

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