Peer review of Rodrigo’s LinkedIn Profile

To: Rodrigo Samayoa, ENGL 301 Student Writer
From: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, ENGL 301 Student Reviewer
Date: November 4th, 2020
Subject: Peer review of your LinkedIn profile

Hello Rodrigo,

I have reviewed your LinkedIn profile according to a review template that I have developed. Your profile was very well done, and it provides a great endorsement of your experience in skill in online campaigning, design, and communication.

I have included a few minor comments and suggestions for your consideration below and in the attached peer review form. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.

Peer review form: 301 Amina Moustaqim-Barrette peer review of Rodrigo’s LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn Profile Reviewed: Rodrigo Samayoa’s LinkedIn Profile


LinkedIn Profile Review

Initial impressions:

A very well organized and professional LinkedIn profile page. From reading through your LinkedIn profile, it is clear that you have many years of experience developing online communications and campaigns. The elements chosen for inclusion in the LinkedIn profile served a clear purpose and would inspire confidence in any employer looking for a campaigner with great credentials, organization, and communications skills.

Profile photo:

Great profile photo! High definition and great contrast between the black and white photo with the green banner. The banner has the added benefit of signaling to employers and peers that you possess skill in online communications and design right off the bat.

Cover photo:

A cover photo could be added to help personalize your page, though the new LinkedIn cover photo template works here.


Wonderful summary of your skills and experience. The tone of the summary is friendly, professional, and enthusiastic, and you do a wonderful job of telling a story while listing your extensive experience and qualifications. The personal touches in the summary are great, and your passion for the work you do comes through wonderfully.


You could use the activity section to display your posts, interests, and share articles related to your field. You are obviously knowledgeable and experienced in your field and your peers would undoubtedly be interested in hearing your thoughts on a variety of issues and lessons learned through your years of political and labour organizing.


Well-organised experience section, and a good idea to have included the most relevant work experiences for your field. It may help to keep the layout of each experience consistent. For example, you could decide to use either bullet points or paragraph style for this section and keep edit the profile so that it is consistent for each of the listed experiences.


Great! I would perhaps include some highlights or a brief sentence summarizing the coursework or degree. Perhaps you could mention here if you have any major research projects, interests, or courses you wish to highlight. One thing to look into: there may be a duplicate for your most recent bachelor’s degree. It appears twice (one reads ‘Bachelor’s degree, Computer Science’ and the other ‘Bachelor’s degree, Computer Science, 3’) though both are at the same university and the same dates.


The accomplishments section could be used to highlight languages, projects, and campaigns you have worked on. As a digital campaigner, it may be useful to point to specific projects that you have been a part of.

Skills and endorsements:

Great that you have highlighted your computer science skills in this section. Employers will be able to see quickly which programs and technologies you have experience with. Another way to elevate your profile – perhaps as a long-term project – would be to seek former colleagues or peers offer endorsements.

Concluding thoughts:

Wonderfully organized, professional, and interesting LinkedIn profile. Includes all the information an employer might need to see that you are a skilled and experience digital campaigner, as well as a personable and passionate individual. With a few small adjustments and some consistent engagement with the platform, I am sure you will see traffic to your page and employment opportunities come your way.


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