LinkedIn Profile Peer Review

To: Shujun Peng, ENGL 301 Team Bloomers Member
From: Annie Maurer, ENGL 301 Team Bloomers Member
Date: November 4, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile

Thank you for your LinkedIn Profile submission on our team blog. Please find feedback on your profile below.

Initial Impressions:
Your profile does a good job of highlighting your experiences, interests and education.

Quality and Appropriateness of Profile Photo:
Your profile photo is excellent. It is clear, professional and it has good proportions.

Effectiveness of Summary:
The summary provides a good glimpse into your hobbies and experiences. You provided solid experiences to back up assertions. Well done. If you are using LinkedIn to look for a job, you could include a sentence or two regarding what kind of roles you are seeking.

Consideration of Audience:
Your tone is appropriate and well chosen for your public profile. The tone is professional, yet friendly at the same time.

Use of Keywords:
The details listed in your experience section are descriptions of your roles. To improve this section and make your skills standout to potential employers, you could use keywords when describing experiences you’ve held. The description of your DARUNFA SL role does this pretty well. You could improve your seasonal volunteer role description by employing this technique further.

The education section clearly and succinctly conveys your educational experience.

Other Sections:
You do not have a skills or accomplishments section. You could consider adding other sections to convey more information to potential employers.

Grammar and Punctuation:
There are a few grammar mistakes in the summary section, although they do not detract from the meaning of the paragraph. One example is the sentence “After that, I also repeat to read it in my leisure time”. Something similar to “I have also re-read it several times in my leisure time” is more correct.

Concluding Comments:
Thank you for submitting the link to your LinkedIn Profile. It does a good job of introducing yourself as a person and highlighting your experiences and interests. You could consider strengthening the experience sections through the use of keywords and adding a skills or achievements sections to provide more information.

Thank you for the enjoyable read and I hope you found this helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Profile Link
301 Annie Maurer LinkedIn Peer Review Template

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