Assignment 2.2 – Peer Review of Jonathan Ho’s LinkedIn Profile

To: Jonathan Ho, English 301 Student Writer
From: Jen Deluz, English 301 Student Reviewer
Date: November 4, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile

Thank you for creating a LinkedIn profile and submitting it for review. Your profile is complete and well organized. Please kindly find suggestions for improvements below.

First Impressions
The LinkedIn profile is well-written and off to a good start; it is comprehensive and comprehensible. The custom URL greatly improves identifying the profile which is a nice touch. The headline clearly indicates current education status but omits current work experience. It would be great to include the position in the headline. The amount of connections may imply that this is a new profile; to increase profile exposure, connect with friends and colleagues. Overall, the profile appears to be professional and complete without lacking too many details.

Profile Photo
The profile photo conveys confidence, credibility, and professionalism through its composition, pose, and attire. The background is perfect because of its simplicity, making it less distracting. Overall, it is a great profile photo for LinkedIn.

It is great to include education within the headline. However, it would also be beneficial to add the role and company of current work experience; adding extra keywords can generate new and better opportunities while on the LinkedIn platform.

At a glance, the summary is concise and to the point. The career goal is clearly indicated and well-thought-out.

Work Experience
This section is straightforward with its chronological ordering. A minor suggestion is to specifically indicate the role at Terramera, as ‘Biology Co-op Student’ can be too vague without any details.

This section is up to date with past and current academic programs. The reverse chronological ordering is clever, as it will increase comprehension.

Volunteer Experience
The addition of this section is beneficial, as it highlights the contributions made to the community. A minor suggestion is to specifically indicate the role during the volunteer experience to provide the reader with more insight.

Skills and Endorsements
Within computer science, remember to include any technical skills as they are developed and link any relevant personal projects. This section can be impactful for recruiters seeking specific skills.

LinkedIn recommendations aid in validation with the written content on a profile. Receiving a personal testimonial can enhance a profile, illustrating work habits and personality. It would be beneficial to receive a recommendation while gaining work experience.

Grammar and Technical Errors
There is only one minor grammatical error in the ‘About’ section; a preposition is missing in between ‘interest’ and ‘biotechnology.’

Concluding Comments
Overall, the LinkedIn profile page is well-thought-out and eloquently written. Below is a summary of recommended suggestions for improvements:

  • Adding current work experience to the headline
  • Expanding on the biology co-op role at Terramerra
  • Expanding on the volunteer role for BC Cancer
  • Adding new skills as they are being developed
  • Fixing the minor grammatical error in the ‘About’ section

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further clarification. I look forward to seeing how your LinkedIn profile will grow and change!

Jonathan Ho’s LinkedIn Profile

301 Jen Deluz Peer Review Template for LinkedIn Profile

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