Linkedln Peer Review for Annie Maurer

Date: Nov 5th, 2020

Peer Reviewer: Shujun Peng

Author: Annie Maurer

Subject: Linkedln Peer Review

Linkedln URL :

Hello Annie,

Thank you for submitting your LinkedIn profile for review. It is an enjoyable read. Your Linkedln profile is impressive, well organized and complete. Following are some comments and suggestions for improving the profile.

First Impressions :

First impressions of the profile page are largely positive. Although I notice that there’s a missing background photo. However, this background photo might be chosen purposely, blue is an amazing choice for a professional profile background colour. Well done!

Profile Photo:

The profile picture is very professional.

Effectiveness of the Summary

The summary is very brief and could use some work in capturing a professional personality that stands out from other Linkdlln profiles. Here are some suggestions you may want to consider:

  • adding hobbies (perhaps)
  • describing your professional ambitions or attitude at work
  • language skills such as bilingual or multilingual

Experience and Achievements :

  • adding a list of your biggest achievements may strengthen this sections, this list might help recruiters to know where your strengths are.

Volunteer Experience :

  • Including volunteer experience would be impressive if possible

Education and courses :

  • Listing courses that are relevant to your career objectives will improve the readability. For example, in computer science program, think about what courses is most helpful when finding a job, and then adding that to the profile

Skills :

  • Listing as many skills as possible, give recruiters more information

Working Experience :

  • Specify your position in these four platforms : Intel Corporation, RST instruments Ltd, Statistics Canada, Ministry of Forests, lands and Natural Resource Operations.


The profile page is on a good start, with a few tweaks and some revisions, you are well on your way.

Here is a summary of the list of suggested edits:

  • Changing the background photo if it wasn’t selected purposely, such as a photo of UBC, or any photo that will make this profile more professional
  • Adding more details to the summary, with a focus on highlighting your skills, working attitude
  • Listing relevant courses in the Education section
  • Specify your position in four corporations in the Working experience section
  • Including volunteer activities

This has been an enjoyable read and I hope my suggestions are helpful. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you, Shujun Peng.

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