Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline

Improving Accessibility at the American Club Fitness Center in Taipei, Taiwan: Research Outline



A. Background on health and ethical issues for individuals with disability

B. Description of the importance of space design

C. Background of American Club’s fitness facility and culture

D. Purpose of research and Intended audience

E. Introduction to methods and data sources

F. Scope of inquiry



A. Needs Assessments of Members with Disabilities

  1. Studies of space design and accessibility needs

a. Universal design in fitness spaces

b. Space design and health of individuals with disabilities

c. Space design and ethical issues for individuals with disabilities

      2. Primary Source Data Findings

a. Analysis of space design issues in the club’s fitness facility

1) Observational study

b. Health and ethical needs of members with disabilities

2) Interview findings

c. Other members’ and fitness trainers’ views of accessibility

3) Survey results

      3. Interpretation and Synthesis of Findings and Research

a. Comparing views of members with and without disabilities

b. Similarities and differences between results and literature

c. Most prominent accessibility issues

B. Possible Interventions

  1. Structural Interventions

a. Removal of physical barriers

b. Structural additions to the fitness facility

      2. Non-structural interventions

a. Staff education

b. Promotion of inclusive attitudes

C. Cost Analysis of Interventions

  1. Studies of costs of accessibility changes in facilities

a. Costs of structural interventions

b. Costs of non-structural interventions

     2. Discussion of costs versus benefits of proposed interventions



A. Summary of overall discussion of findings

B. Final recommendations

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