Assignment 3.1: Memo to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crisp, UBC student
From: Richard Chen, ENGL301 student
Date: November 20, 2020
Subject: RE: Best practices for writing emails to professors


Thank you for submitting your email for advice. Based on a review of the email, here are a few tips you may want to consider for future follow up emails. These tips will assist in forming succinct communication that increases the receptiveness of your prospective instructor to your request.

Tips for writing a persuasive email to an instructor may include any of the following:

  • Greeting the prospective instructor by their full title
  • Stating your request clearly and concisely at the beginning
  • Preferring the use of a formal tone with unfamiliar persons in positions of authority
  • Providing background and a persuasive motivation for wanting to take the course
  • Making accommodations that favour the instructor to create goodwill (replying promptly and checking emails frequently)
  • Creating a listing of possible class sections sorted in order of preference
  • Closing formally and preferring the use of whole sentences over abbreviations

By implementing these tips, it is more likely you will receive a sympathetic response from the instructor who may help with your situation. Best of luck to you in getting into your desired class.

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