Assignment 3-1 – Writing with You Attitude Memo to Evan Crisp


To: Evan Crisp

From: Hilton Ma

Date: November 20, 2020

Subject: Best Practices in Writing an Email to the Professor


To help improve your chances of receiving a response from the professor, you can implement a series of suggestions listed below. These suggestions follow the “You Attitude” concept which emphasizes on the reader as the most important individual.

Tips for Writing Emails Using the “You Attitude”

  • Focus on the professor’s perspective – de-emphasizing your role highlights the interests of the most important individual (Dr. Lambert) in the email
  • Incorporate the advantages – illustrating benefits to the reader increases the chances of a reaction
  • Emphasize on what can be done – through focus on the possible actions, you are presented as a more positive and goal-orientated individual
  • Express appreciation – acknowledging efforts constructs an amicable relationship to increase the chance of a favorable response
  • Avoid imperatives – usage of unnecessary imperatives (commands) may sound condescending
  • Watch for inadvertent implications – these implications may offend your professor, subsequently decreasing possibility of an amicable response

These tips can increase the chance of a positive response from the professor. If you wish to discuss this topic further, please feel free to contact.

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