Peer Review of Amina’s Job Application Draft

To: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, ENGL 301 Student
From: Mitchell Prost, ENGL 301 Student
Date: December 15, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Application Package Draft

Hello Amina,

I hope that your week has been going well so far! I have reviewed your application package draft and have provided my comments below.

Initial Impressions

I was quite impressed with your application package draft after my first glance over it. The formatting of your documents seem excellent, and the content of your documents reflect your experience and relate it to the job requirements well. I was particularly impressed by how tailored your reference request was to the individual you were reaching out to. My one initial question is regarding your other two reference requests: were they not included in your application package? I could not find them, so I wanted to flag this in case this was an uploading error. Otherwise, my initial impressions are quite positive.

Cover Letter

Your cover letter does a good job at highlighting the experiences on your resume and tying them into the job description. It is organized well and the formatting seems correct. I want to especially highlight your last two paragraphs of your cover letter; You have done a good job writing beyond the job description and included your own excitement for the job and why you would be an asset to the team.


I found all sections of your resume to be appropriate and well constructed. I was very impressed by your publications section, as well! One thing to note that may have just been an issue with my computer, but the blue underlined text included under the “Research Epidemiologist” job in your “Relevant Work Experience” section and the publications in the “Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications” section did not lead to any hyperlinks. I am not sure if that was intended to be hyperlinked or was just for stylistic purposes, but I did want to point that out if it is something that needs fixing.

Reference Request

Your referencing request is very well written. The level of detail is excellent, and allows for an in-depth request from your chosen referees.

Overall, excellent work. I can tell that a lot of thought has gone into how you present yourself through your job application documents here. Other than a few minor formatting things, such as the hyperlinks, I have very little constructive criticisms to report to you. Great job!


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