Author: BartonLui

Barton Lui| Assignment 2.3 Formal Report Outline

Formal report outline about how to make the City of Vancouver more sustainable I. Introduction A. Background information on the effects of pollution in Vancouver cities and the increase in population trend B. State the problem: Pollution levels increasing in

Barton Lui | Assignment 2.2 Peer Review of Nicholas Jang’s LinkedIn Profile

Date: November 4th, 2020 Peer Reviewer: Barton Lui Author: Nicholas Jang Peer Review Document Title: Nicholas Jang’s Linkedin Profile LinkedIn URL: Hello Nicholas, Thank you for submitting your LinkedIn profile for review. Your profile looks excellent and complete. Following are some comments

Barton Lui | Assignment 2.2 Memo, My LinkedIn Profile Page

Email Memorandum To: Phoebe Wu, Nicholas Jang, Jessica Lee, Members of the ENGL 301 99A Writing Team, Team Rocket From: Barton Lui, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: An Invitation to my LinkedIn Profile Page I have

Barton Lui | Assignment 2.2 Memo Best LinkedIn Practices

Memorandum To: Phoebe Wu, Jessica Lee, Nicholas Jang, Members of the ENGL 301 99A Writing Team, Team Rocket From: Barton Lui, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: Research on the Ten Best Linked-In Practices Hi team, I

Formal Report Proposal Peer Review

To:           Phoebe Wu, ENGL 300 99A Student From:       Barton Lui, ENGL 300 99A Student Date:        October 21st, 2020 Subject:  Peer review of report proposal, “Increasing Student Registrations at Pott’s Education Studio through Social Media”   Hi

Assignment 2:1 Formal Report Proposal Email Memorandum

To: Dr. Erika Patterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor From: Barton Lui, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: October 14, 2020 Subject: Formal Report Proposal   As per instructions, here is a memo regarding my proposal for my formal report. The attached

Assignment 2.1 Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor From: Barton Lui, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: October 14th, 2020 Subject: Can Vancouverites rely on a sustainable transportation method   Introduction In recent years, the population in Metro Vancouver has been

Assig 1.3 Peer review- Stratified Sampling

Hi Jessica! Had fun learning from this document and it was well done. The attached file is a peer review word document for your assig 1.3. Thank you! Jessica Lee assig 1.3 peer review

Barton Lui – Assignment 1-3

Lesson 1.3 Definitions and Peer Review   Objective: The objective of this exercise is to define a relatively complex term in three ways: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. The definitions should vary in detail depending


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