Author: evan ruiz

Web Folio

To: ENGL 301, Fourth Pair of Eyes From: Evan Ruiz, Fourth Pair of Eyes Date: December 16, 2020 Subject: Web Folio Hi Team, I can’t believe that this will be my last post in ENGL 301, Forth Pair of Eyes.

Assignment 4:3 Formal Report

To: ENGL 301, Fourth Pair of Eyes From: Evan Ruiz, Fourth Pair of Eyes Date: December 16, 2020 Subject: Formal Report Hi Team, Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all doing well. Please find my Formal Report attached below. As

Peer Review of Rodrigo’s Application Package Draft

To: Rodrigo Samayoa, ENGL 30 Student  From: Evan Ruiz, ENGL301 student  Date: December 14, 2020  Subject: Peer review of Application Package Draft  Thank you for submitting your application package! Below is the review of your draft.  Impressions: Wonderful job Rodrigo!

Application Package Draft

To: ENGL 301 Students, Fourth Pair of Eyes From: Evan Ruiz, ENGL 301 Student Date: December 13, 2020 Subject: Application Package Draft Hello Team, Please find my draft application package attached below, including: The original job post selected for my

Assignment 3.3 – Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

To: Mitchell Prost (ENGL 301- Fourth Pair of Eyes) From: Evan Ruiz (ENGL 301- Fourth Pair of Eyes) Date: December 7, 2020  Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft  Hi Mitchell,  Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Assignment 3.2- Formal Report Draft

Hi Team, Happy Tuesday. I hope everyone is doing well! Please find my Formal Draft Report attached below. I look forward to hearing your feedback! Do not hesitate to contact me at with any questions you might have. Warm

Assignment 3.1 Complaint & Bad News Letters

Complaint Letter: 2101 W 4th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 1N7 November 26, 2020  Dear Manager,  Yesterday evening I purchased a Large athletic shirt from this Nike Store. I love your products and, more specifically, your location. I shop here all

Peer Review of Rodrigo’s Writing with Attitude Assignment

Dear Rodrigo,  Happy Monday, I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  Great work with your email memo to Evan Crisp- it was clear, concise, and thoughtful. I’ve attached my feedback below! Introduction: You did a wonderful job of re-clarifying Evan’s

Memo- Writing With You Attitude

To: Evan Crisp  From: Evan Ruiz, Student- ENGL 301 Subject: Emailing your Professor  Date: November 20, 2020 Dear Evan,  Thank you for reaching out to me. Happy Friday! I’ve been in a similar position recently, and I’ve attached some tips

Progress Report Memorandum

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Engl 301 99A Professor From: Evan Ruiz, Engl 301 99A Student  Date: November 13, 2020 Subject: Formal Progress Report  Hello Dr. Paterson,  Happy Friday! I hope you are doing well and staying safe.  Per the instructions


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