Author: evan ruiz

Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline- Evan Ruiz

How intermittent physical activity, in the midst of remote learning, can be applied to improve the overall health and mental wellbeing of members at the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Introduction  What is Kappa Sigma? Define the way, in which, it is

Peer Review of Mitchell Prost’s LinkedIn Profile

To: Mitchell Prost From: Evan Ruiz (Fourth Pair of Eyes) Date: 10/4/20 Subject: Memo- Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile Dear Mitchell, Happy Wednesday! I hope all is well with you. I’ve reviewed you LinkedIn profile, and I have attached a

Email Memorandum for LinkedIn Invitation

To: “Fourth Pair of Eyes” Writing Team  From: Evan Ruiz  Date: October 30, 2020  Subject: Invitation to my LinkedIn Profile Hello Team,  Happy Friday! I hope you’re all doing well.  Please use the link, here, to join my LinkedIn Network.

Research Proposal- Repost

To: Dr. Erika Patterson From: Evan Ruiz October 27, 2020 Subject: Proposal to study how intermittent physical activity, in the midst of remote learning, can be applied to improve the overall health and mental wellbeing of members at the Kappa

Memorandum- LinkedIn Profile Research

To: “Fourth Pair of Eyes” Writing Team  From: Evan Ruiz  Date: October 26, 2020  Subject: Memorandum for LinkedIn Profile Research  Hello Team,  Happy Monday! I hope everyone is doing well.  I’ve attached a brief summary of research, in an attempt

Peer Review of Amina Moustaqim-Barrette’s Report Proposal

To: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, Team Member (Fourth Pair of Eyes) From: Evan Ruiz, Peer Reviewer (Fourth Pair of Eyes) Date: October 21, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal  Hello Amina! I reviewed your Formal Report Proposal and I’m very

Memorandum: Submission of Research Proposal- Evan Ruiz

To: Dr. Erika Patterson, Professor – ENGL301 From: Evan Ruiz, Student – ENGL301 Date: October 14, 2020 Subject: Summary of Research Proposal  As you requested, via the course website, I’ve posted my Formal Report Proposal on my team’s forum; which

Formal Report Proposal- How to Improve Physical and Mental Wellbeing for Remote Employees

To: Dr. Erika Patterson From: Evan Ruiz October 14, 2020 Subject: Proposal to study how intermittent physical activity and, in a work from home environment, can be applied to improve overall health and wellbeing for employees at Okta, inc.  Introduction

Assignment 1.3- Revised Definition of Scaffolding

Hello Amina, Thank you for your review of my work on Assignment 1.3. I’m happy to hear you were able to learn something from my work. I have attached a revised definition of “scaffolding” below: Warm regards, Evan Ruiz Assignment


Reviewer: Evan Ruiz Author: Rodrigo Samayoa Term: Theory of Change Eng301-Rodrigo-Samayoa-definitions Hello Rodrigo! I reviewed your draft of Assignment 1.3- Three definitions. Great job! It’s clear that you put a lot of time into this assignment and it’s organization. Initial


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