Author: IshaanVora

Memorandum to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crips From: Ishaan Vora Date: November 22, 2020 Subject: Improving the effectiveness of writing E-mail messages to professors I appreciate you reaching out to the ENGL301 class for advice on not receiving a reply from the English professor.

Formal Report Outline

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor From: Ishaan Vora, ENGL 301 Student Date: November 22, 2020 Subject: Formal Report Progress Report This email memorandum highlights the additions made on the formal report regarding the implementation of a new bus

Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline

Research Topic: Reducing the problem of overcrowding by the 99 B-Line service by proposing a new, parallel bus line   Introduction A brief synopsis on the 99 B-Line and its users in Vancouver Statement of Problem: The 99-B Line runs

Peer Review – LinkedIn Profile

To: Shujun Peng, ENGL 301 Team Bloomers Member From: Ishaan Vora, Date: November 9, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile Thank you for sharing your LinkedIn Profile! Following is my feedback on your professional platform Initial Impressions: I gained a great sense of

Assignment 2.2 – LinkedIn Profile Memo

To: Shugen Peng, Annie Maurer – The Bloomers Writing team From: Ishaan Vora, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: November 2nd, 2020 Subject: An Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn Hello Team, Here is the link to my LinkedIn profile. I invite you

Assignment 2.2 – Best LinkedIn Practices Memorandum

Memorandum To: Shujen Peng, Annie Muller, Members of the ENGL 301 99A Writing Team, The Bloomers From: Ishaan Vora Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: Research on the Ten Best Linked-In Practices As part of the ENGL 301 curriculum, I am

Formal Report Proposal Peer Review

To: Annie Maurer From: Ishaan Vora Date: October 21, 2020 Subject: Peer review of Formal Research Proposal: Implementation of Pedestrian Light at the Intersection of Chesterfield and 17th in North Vancouver Thank you for submitting your formal report proposal that showcases a

Email Memorandum – Formal Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Ishaan Vora Date: October 18, 2020 Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal Hi Dr. Paterson, I hope this email finds you well! I am writing to inform you that I have successfully posted my formal

Research Proposal

To:          Dr. Erika Paterson From:     Ishaan Vora Date:      October 18, 2020 Subject:  Proposal for a new bus service that runs parallel with the 99 B-Line between Commercial-Broadway Station and the University of British

Assignment 1.3 Peer Review – Standard Deviation

Hi Annie, I have peer-reviewed your assignment. I am happy to say you’ve done a great job with your expanded definition! Do let me know if you have addition comments. Sincerely, Ishaan. 301-Definitions-Peer-Review-Ishaan-Vora


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