Author: JoseRodrigoSamayoa

Outline for Formal Report for the Rockfish Climbing Co-op

A. Introduction a. What is the Rockfish Climbing Co-op? i. History of the co-op b. A look at the wider climbing community in Prince Rupert c. Outline of the contents of the report B. Main Body a. Interviews and research

Memo to Amina re: LinkedIn Peer Review

Memorandum To: Amina Fatima Moustaqim Barrette, Student – ENGL301 From: Rodrigo Samayoa, Student – ENGL301 November 04, 2020 Subject: Memo – Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile Dear Amina,  Please find attached a copy of the review I made of your

Peer Review of Amina Moustaqim-Barrette’s LinkedIn Profile

Reviewer: Rodrigo Samayoa Author: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette URL –  Hello Amina,  Thank you for adding me to your networks and giving me the opportunity to review your profile. Below are some notes to help you improve your profile.  Initial Impression

Invitation to network over LinkedIn

Memorandum To: Amina Fatima Moustaqim Barrette Evan Ruiz Mitchell Prost From: Rodrigo Samayoa, Student – ENGL301 October 30, 2020 Subject: Invitation to network over LinkedIn Dear team members, After years of inactivity, I just reopened my LinkedIn profile and I

LinkedIn Research Memo

Memorandum To: Amina Fatima Moustaqim Barrette, Student – ENGL301        Evan Ruiz, Student – ENGL301        Mitchell Prost, Student – ENGL301 From: Rodrigo Samayoa, Student – ENGL301 October 24, 2020 Subject: Memo – LinkedIn Profile Research

Peer Review of Evan Ruiz’s Report Proposal

Peer Review of Evan Ruiz’s Report Proposal Reviewer: Rodrigo Samayoa Author: Evan Ruiz Report Proposal: How exercise breaks can improve mental and physical health in a remote work environment Link to report proposal Initial Impression This proposal to research the

Memorandum – Rodrigo Samayoa Research Proposal

Memorandum To: Dr. Erika Patterson, Professor – ENGL301 From: Rodrigo Samayoa, Student – ENGL301 October 14, 2020 Subject: Memo -Technical Writing Team Application Professor Paterson, As you have requested, I have posted the formal report proposal to my team’s forum.

Reasearch Proposal – How to increase membership size and engagement for the Rockfish Climbing Co-op

To: Dr. Erika Patterson From: Rodrigo Samayoa October 14, 2020 Re: Proposal to research how community organizing theory can be applied to the creation of a climbing cooperative in Prince Rupert Introduction Over the past decade, rock climbing has had

Peer Review of Mitchell Prost’s Definition Assignment

Peer Review of Mitchell Prost’s Definition Assignment Reviewer: Rodrigo Samayoa Author: Mitchel Prost Term defined: Lysosome Mitchell Prost – ENGL 301 Three Definitions Assignment Initial Impression Good job on this definition, Mitchell. As someone who hasn’t taken any biology class

Definition of Theory of Change

Hi team, attached is my definitions assignment. I have decided to define the term ‘theory of change’, which is commonly used in non-profit and social change circles. Hope you learn from it! Eng301-Rodrigo-Samayoa-definitions


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