Author: Mitchell Prost

Final Report

Hello team, Attached is my final report. I had a great time working with you all this term! Best, Mitchell Final Report Draft

Mitchell Prost’s Web Folio

Hello Team, I hope your Friday nights are going well. Please find my Web Folio here. Best, Mitchell

Peer Review of Amina’s Job Application Draft

To: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, ENGL 301 Student From: Mitchell Prost, ENGL 301 Student Date: December 15, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Application Package Draft Hello Amina, I hope that your week has been going well so far! I have reviewed your

Application Package Draft

Hello team! I hope everyone is doing well. Find my application package draft below: 301-Mitchell-Prost-Draft-Application-Package   MLA Citation of Job Posting “Hiring Residence Life Coordinator, 1600 – Burnaby.” Sfu.Ca, 2020,

Peer Review of Evan’s Final Report Draft

To: Evan Ruiz, ENGL 301 Student From: Mitchell Prost, ENGL 301 Student Date: December 10, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft Hi Evan, I hope you are doing well! I have read your formal report draft and have

Formal Report Draft

Hello Team, I hope everyone is doing well this evening. Attached is my formal report draft. Best, Mitchell Formal Report Draft

Complaint and Bad News Letters

Complaint Letter November 27, 2020 Mr. Jon Snow 42 Wallaby Way Sydney, New South Wales Dear Mr. Snow: I am a frequent patron of the Starbucks that you manage and have received years of excellent service. However, I recently had

Peer Review of Amina’s Writing with “You Attitude” Assignment

To: Amina Fatima From: Mitchell Prost Date: November 23, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Writing with “You Attitude” Assignment Hi Amina, You have provided some great advice to Evan. My first impressions of your memo were positive. Comments and suggestions

MEMO – Writing with You Attitude

MEMO   To: Evan Crisp From: Mitchell Prost Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: Best practices in writing an email to a professor   Hi Evan, In this memo, see a list of ways to improve emails written to professors regarding

Memo | Formal Report Progress

MEMO To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Mitchell Prost Date: November 13, 2020 Subject: Progress Report: Formal Report Report Audience This formal report will be targeted towards the Cabinet of the UBC Residence Hall Association (RHA). The RHA Cabinet is the


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