Author: ShujunPeng

Assignment 4.3 Shujun Peng 301 Formal Report

Dear Bloomers, Here’s my formal report 301 ShujunPeng Formal Report Thank you everyone for the semester. Wish you all the best. Sincerely, Shujun  

Assignment 4.3 Shujun Peng Web-folio

Hi Bloomers, Please find my web folio down below. Thanks for the amazing term! Best Regards, Shujun.     Home

Shujunpeng Revised Application Package

Dear team Blommers, Here’s my revised Application Package. Thank you Annie for the peer review!   301 Shujunpeng Revised Application Package Best, Shujun.

Peer Review of Application Pacakge Annie Maurer

To: Annie Maurer, ENGL 301 student  From : Shujun Peng, ENGL301 student  Date : December 15,2020 Subject: Peer review of the application package Thank you for submitting your application package. Below is the review of your application package, and hope

Application Package

Dear Team, Here’s my Application Package. Thank you!       Application Pacakge

Peer Review Annie Maurer’s Final Report Draft

To: Annie Maurer, ENGL 301 99A Student From : Shujun Peng, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: December 10, 2020 Subject: Peer review of “Proposal for the Implementation of a Pedestrian Light at the Intersection of Chesterfield and 17th in North

Formal Project Draft

  To: The Bloomers From: Shujun Peng Dear Teammates, Here’s my draft : 301 Shujunpeng Formal project draft I look forward to hearing your feedback! Best, Shujun

Assignment 3.1 Bad News Complaint Letter

November 27th, 2020 Mr. Tony Yu, customer Service Manager 701 W Georgia St, Vancouver BC V7Y 1G5 Product Quality Issue Hi Tony, I have purchased a pair of earrings at the APM store in Pacific Centre last week, however, the

Peer Review for Annie Maurer’s ” Writing Effective E-mail Messages to Professors”

To:  Annie Maurer, ENGL 300 99A Student From: Shujun Peng, ENGL 300 99A Student Date: November 23, 2020 Subject:  Advice on Writing Effective E-mail Messages to Professors Peer Review Thank you for submitting the “You Attitude” assignment. The memo has

You Attitude Assignment

To: Evan Crips From: Shujun Peng Date: November 20, 2020 Subject: How to write better emails to professors asking for assistance Here’s the memo you requested on writing email messages to your instructor. Please see the following suggestions, they may


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