Category: Instructor’s Blog

Evaluation Sheets

Below is a copy of the Evaluation sheet for this course. Please study this sheet and note how your points are distributed. You will notice that the majority of your grade is collected in the final assignments and that there

Welcome to English 301

Hello 301 Welcome to our course of studies together and Welcome to my Instructor’s Blog I will post new blogs on a regular basis and you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your

Cover Letters: Putting YOU attitude into a letter about yourself

Putting YOU attitude into a letter about yourself. It is a difficult task to write an application cover letter ‘selling’ your skills while making the reader’s needs the most important. Rule # 1: Begin by saying something nice about the

Preparing the Web Folio

Good Saturday 301 I am in the process of reading your Reports, which will take me about a week – I’ll send out your grades and comments for you as I work through the reports. I hope you all enjoy

Final Self-editing tips for Formal Report

When self-editing your Formal Report keep in mind the most common and serious errors: Writing with a negative tone: Avoid the negative. Writing with a demanding tone: Respect your reader, edit out imperative verbs. Writing information that your reader already

Writing a Methods Section for the Report

As I review report drafts I see that a number of people need some assistance with composing a well-articulated, detailed, clear and concise Methods section for your Introductions. Here is an example of a well-handled Methods Section. The Introduction section

Preparing to Peer Review a Formal Report Draft

As I look through the early Report drafts, I have found some continuing common errors which are worth providing more examples for correcting to assist with peer reviewing. Avoid BIG CHUNKS of text: organize the report into sections and sub-sections.

Creating A Draft Formal Report: Tips and Examples

When drafting your Formal Report keep in mind the three most common and serious errors: Writing with a negative tone: Avoid the negative. Writing with a demanding tone: Respect your reader, edit out imperative verbs. Writing information that your reader

Avoid the Negative: Be Persuasive

There are two major rules of persuasion for Formal Reports Avoid the Negative Employ YOU Attitude Turning the negative into the positive: Examples: Negative:  With a decrease of events and marketing, fewer students are inspired to participate in club activities

YOU attitude: extra tips for working with YOU attitude

You can find a few post on Writing with YOU attitude on this blog, if you search. Learning the techniques of writing with YOU attitude is so valuable, I am dedicating this page to a collection of past YOU attitude


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